Art in and out of Lockdown
Two years after March 2020, how does everyone feel and think about lockdown, and its impact on creative life? How did artists and art institutions experience lockdown and support the community?
Chaired by Janet Archer, CEO of Edinburgh Printmakers, this conversation draws upon the research paper “Art in and out of Lockdown” produced by The Culture & Communities Mapping Project. The Culture & Communities Mapping Project researches Edinburgh’s cultural landscapes by asking questions about cultural equity, cultural identity, and the links between geography, sociodemographics, and culture. It uses methods of cultural mapping and GIS to reflect on the city’s cultural infrastructures and the spatial production of knowledge. Janet is joined by two of the paper’s authors, Dr Morgan Currie, Lecturer in Data and Society at the University of Edinburgh, and Vikki Jones, Research Associate, Creative Informatics and PhD researcher at Edinburgh College of Art, as well as Elaine Cheng, a Chinese Scottish sound artist from Edinburgh and an Artist in Residence of Art27Scotland.