Peace & Justice presents Peace Cranes: An installation
6th to 27th Aug, 10:30 am to 5pm*
The Peace Cranes exhibition was previously listed as open until the 28th Aug. Due to on-site technical requirements the last day there will be public access is Friday 27th August. The exhibition will be closed to the public on the 28th. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Peace Cranes is a monumental exhibition of 140,000 origami paper cranes of peace and hope by Scottish artist Janis Hart. The installation spans the heritage space of St John’s Church and explores the twin existential threats of nuclear weapons and climate change.
The Peace Cranes exhibition uses the dual power of contemporary public art and the peace movement to address the twin existential threats of nuclear war and climate change through the monumental installation by artist Janis Hart comprised of 140,000 origami paper cranes of peace and hope spanning the entire space of St John’s Church. This vast number represents not only the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945 but the lives lost to the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, as well as the great acceleration of species extinction through the symbol of the endangered red-crowned crane.
Did you know that…
The Peace Cranes exhibition is dedicated to Atsuko Betchaku (1960-2017) – Peace & Justice (Scotland) volunteer who sparked the international wave of folding 140,000 origami peace cranes commemorating each of the 140,000 Hiroshima victims and illustrating our shared desire for peace and disarmament.
Did you know that…
Peace Cranes is organised by Peace & Justice (Scotland) with Just Festival.
Did you know that …
Peace & Justice (Scotland) has been building a culture of peace across Scotland since 1980 and is a partner in the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons which won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2017.
Did you know that…
The Peace Cranes exhibition was preceded by a series of pre-exhibition online artists’ talks, films, theatre and workshops commemorating the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 2020 – all available to watch again here: https://peaceandjustice.org.uk/what-we-do/peacecranes/
Other Related Events at this year’s Just Festival
Peace & Justice presents Never Again – Louder Than Bombs
Peace & Justice presents Tackling climate change with Great Cranes
This event is subject to Scot Gov phased relaxation of Covid restrictions. Please check details before attendance. Masks must be worn during visiting the installation – hand sanitisers will be available at entrance and exit.
If you have any access requirements please email [email protected] to discuss – no later than seven days prior to the event if possible.
*Please note. No access during services. Please check times.